Saturday, August 16, 2014

Go Big or Go Home!

Hey there!!! 
Yes, it has been a very long time.  Life is just happening one day at a time and I've been caught up in it all. 
Working really hard on building my business and raising awareness. 
I can't begin to tell you all the wonderful people I've met since we've last chatted. 
The news I have to share with you today is actually about us working together to spread this message. 
I've challenged myself to see if it can actually be a reality. 
I'm talking about this awesome article that I wrote to get the message out there. 
So, I ask you, can we make this go viral? I truly love what I do for others in regard to this journey. This year has been the most difficult as I haven't gotten even close to the target goal. If you have read, commented, shared and considered doing so now is the time to support. I need your donation to get me to this finale of such huge proportions. 
Please make a donation of $20 or more and get someone else to do,
I will proudly carry the name of any loved one you know that has been given or taken from you with a diagnosis, post their name in the comments. Let's get this post out there all over the Internet and raise some support. Thank you for helping another helping others.

This is the message we want going viral - Go Big or Go Home!!
That's right, I said it, GO BIG or GO HOME!  
Life should be lived just that way.  Giving whatever you do all you've got or don't bother. I'm not talking just about this journey, I'm talking about what ever is your passion, motivator your drive.  Give it your all because the message is stronger and your results match your efforts. 
So what are you going to do today? 
Go BIG or go HOME! 

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