Sunday, June 17, 2012

I Remember You

My father is in a place where his pain and suffering is nonexistent, for that I am grateful.
My father and I are no longer able to talk smack about the Giants, Lions or Knicks and that I miss.
What I do have are my memories, that can't be changed, erased or replaced.
Mend those fences, pick up the phone, stop by and treasure those moments as each one of them are precious.
Happy Father's Day to you all!

A couple years ago, I was missing my father after his very recent and sudden passing. 
I wanted to ensure that each father knew before he was gone he was honored for the person that he is I wrote this,


by Nichelle Fox on Sunday, June 20, 2010

I can remember the first time I heard the word, daddy. 
A smile just lit up my entire face.
I can remember
the curious questions always starting with Why and How come, 
All the days of playing and laughing together. Talking over the phone hearing the latest events of the day/week.
I remember all the Daddy, Can I have, I need with those pleading eyes.. always asking the question are you gonna let me?
Being a father is so much more than the money you bring to the table and the material things you can "do" with your child/children.
It's about the quality of the time spent together the memories that you make, that will live in their minds forever.
All the fights, yelling, hugs, punishments and smiles.
The sit-downs, let me talk to you for a minute, the didn't I tell you's.
Watching a movie, reading a book together.
Going to the bathroom in a public place. :)
Yes, children remember the bad things as well, but the good times are always right there.
Being a father, is the person that is there with you through the good, bad rough and smooth times.
It's not the supplier of you but, the producer of who we become.
The man that is in your life through thick and thin, even if the time is thin.
The man that you remember being with you the most, especially when you needed him.
I don't overrate the title because there are many men out there that have produced children and are not fathers to them and don't get their just credit.
So, to the men that are fathering, loving, nurturing, raising, smiling, being there giving values support and positive encouragement to children,

I say Happy Father's Day!!


If you want to comment, repost or share, I approve. 

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