Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Celebrating Women

I have chosen to Celebrate each woman during this month of Women's History! 
Each of you deserve this honor and know others that do as well. 
March is Women's History Month, let's make it historical. 
As we celebrate all the women that have made a contribution to the history of this county, let's not forget the unsung heroes we see everyday your sister, daughter, mother, friend, wife and even yourself. 
As you're reading this please leave me with the name of a woman in your past or present that deserves to be celebrated especially if she's a fighter or a survivor.  In her honor make a donation to support this fight in the hopes that she doesn't have to endure this journey. 
I know you will follow through.  If you agree please give your supportive donation today. 
My efforts to walk for the 3rd consecutive year in a row relies on the kindness, support and belief of each of you in me. 
Honor your sister, mother, daughter or yourself this month and I will add each name on my wall as a woman of honor for the month dedicated to the History of Women. 
Each of you are, and know a woman that is worth and deservedly so...
I would fight this fight for you and do within my power all that I can to help and support you.
Please ask others to join in or comment.

I am My Sister's Keeper, 

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